Hilarious Airport Pictures We’re Lucky Someone Photographed

Published on 01/10/2018

Spark Of Genius

They had two options. One was to pay a quarter and use the pay phone, or they could pay a quarter and charge up their own phone. But then a spark of genius! Why not plug their own phone into the outlet that the machine was using? Free charging – hacked!


Spark Of Genius


Best Way To Pick Up A Girl

There are many ways to pick up girls. But how do you pick up a girl at the airport? What if she happens to be your own wife? This guy knows. Dress up as a limo driver, check. Slick sunglasses, check. Make a sign for your wife that will embarrass her in front of her co-workers after a business trip, check. Check and mate!

Best Way To Pick Up A Girl

Best Way To Pick Up A Girl