Love Bug
The front of your car can look a battlefield after a war that’s been raging for years, what with all the tiny, flying critters. And it’s not so easy to rid of those buggers. Until now. Get some baby oil and a dryer sheet, then rub the sheet gently on your car. End result? A clean car that has no bugs on it, duh. If you don’t want to use baby oil, you can also opt for degreaser, baking soda, or WD-40.

Love Bug
Swiper No Swiping
Keeping wiper blades clean is a battle all in its own. On that note though, we’ve got a solution. Take some rubbing alcohol, pour a bit on a cloth or towel, and wipe the blade clean. That way when you use the wiper blades again, no streaks!

Swiper No Swiping