Iron The Mess
Don’t worry the next time something sticky, like candy, melts into the fabric of your car. It’s not something your online auto insurance can fix either. Nope, instead, an iron can. Simply take a thick piece of paper or fabric and place it on the sticky upholstery. Then take the iron out and put it on the paper for 20 to 30 seconds. What this does is to allow the mess to “jump” up and attach itself to the paper and out of the fabric of your car. Nice!

Iron The Mess
Remember The Interior
Goes without saying but make sure to clean the inner windshield and not just the outside. However the best solution to clean up the mess on the inside is if you mix a teaspoon of dishwashing soap in lukewarm water then add a drop or three of white vinegar. Put a cloth into the mix and then wipe the windshield. Not only do you have a clean windshield but it is all chemical free too!

Remember The Interior