Brilliant Car Cleaning Hacks Local Dealers Wish You Didn’t Know

Published on 07/27/2017

Glass Polish

Always, always keep a bottle of clear nail polish inside your car! Cause the reason why is astonishing. So yah know how something silly like a tiny pebble can cause a crack in your windshield? Yeah, it’s super annoying. Not only that but your online auto insurance will charge you an arm and a leg to fix it. But that’s where the nail polish steps in, simple apply some to the small chip and it won’t allow the crack to grow! This way you can take it to a garage to fix on the spot and it won’t cost a ton. It’s like magic.

Glass Polish

Glass Polish


Magic Eraser

Have a Magic Eraser handy so that way you can easily scrub off those disgusting stains on leather or vinyl seats. All you need to do is to wet the Magic Eraser slight and gently scrub at the eye sore infesting the seat(s).

Magic Eraser

Magic Eraser