American Hustle
Name me a better con than the FBI ABSCAM (Abdul Scam) operation from the late 70’s to 80’s. Yeah, the real one that the FBI used which American Hustle is based on. So the Feds went ahead and used a real con man to track public officials that accepted bribes. Either to fast-track citizenship for an Arab sheikh (who in reality was a fake the Feds created) or just any other illegal favors in general. Turns out that nine people were willing to do whatever, including multiple congressman, a mayor, and a senator.

American Hustle
Apollo 13
Apollo 13, as you know, was the third intended mission to successfully land on the Moon. April 1070, at the Kennedy Space Center, the crew took off. But disaster quickly followed. An oxygen tank exploded and immediately the crew experienced limited power, heat loss, and water shortage. Despite all of this, the entire crew survived and made it home safely.

Apollo 13