11 members of the Israeli Olympic team, in the 1972 Summer Olympics, were taken hostage by the Palestine Liberation Organization. When an attempted rescue mission went wrong, all 11 Israeli hostages were killed. Munich recalls what followed, Operation Wrath of God. Undercover Israeli agents secretly retaliated against the terrorist origination “Black September” who were behind the killings. Some scenes have been changed in the film but it’s pretty accurate.

Escape From Alcatraz
When Clarence Anglin, John Anglin, and Frank Morris escaped from Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary back in June 1962, everyone was astonished. Why? First of all it was a maximum high-security federal prison that is 1.25 miles off the coast of San Francisco, California. Known as America’s strongest prison and virtually thought to be escape proof, they were proved wrong one cold night in 1962. Brothers Anglin and Morris carefully molded papier-mâché replicas of their faces and then placed those replicas in their beds before they escaped by way of a deserted utility corridor. Escape From Alcatraz shows the escapees survive although that has never been confirmed.

Escape From Alcatraz