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Now the Los Angeles Times were not the only ones to speak up on Allison’s belief. All of the news organizations mentioned that Stokke did not at any time seek or endorse such attention. Brett Hutchins and David Rowe wrote in their book Technology, Power and Culture in the Network Society that Stokke’s predicament was similar to that of American soccer players Alex Morgan and Hope Solo. Yes, another case of attractive white female athletes who had their public image sexualized and whose sporting achievements were undermined.

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The Story
Brett Hutchins and David Rowe also used material in relation to Allison Stokke, highlighting as well that social media comments frequently insulted in nature and “blamed the sexualization process on the women themselves”. Other reporters compared Stokke to Brandi Chastain’s celebration when winning the 1999 FIFA Women’s World Cup Final in her sports bra, to when women in certain sporting moments are overshadowed by talk of their appearance.

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