And Now
However now Allison Stokke is singing a new tune. “But now, I’m trying to figure out how to reclaim it and own it and push it in the right direction. And benefit from it — in terms of fueling my training. And if I try to ignore it, it will take on a life of its own. Which is what I did in college: ignore it. And I lost control of my own story.”

And Now
The List
Before Stokke truly broke the internet with the pole vaulting photos which emerged, only real fans of the sport could actually even name a professional pole vaulter. However, nowadays even more ladies are going viral for their pole vaulting skills. Unfortunately last year a list ranked “The Hottest Women Pole Vaulters of the 2016 Rio Olympics” was produced. Such pole vaulters that made the list were Sandi Morris from the USA team and Eliza McCartney from the New Zealand team.

The List