What I Wish Everyone Knew About Baking Soda Is About To Be Revealed

Published on 05/14/2020

Clean The Microwave

We can clean our microwave by applying baking soda on the clean damp sponge. After applying, rub it gently on the parts of the microwave. After rubbing, rinse it with warm water and the result will be pleasing because it will have no smell and will leave no chemical residue.

Clean The Microwave


Melt Ice On Driveway

If we live somewhere with a winter season. We know the feeling that our driveway is covered in a sheet of ice. If we found ourselves trapped and we do not have any salt in our house, there is a way to solve this problem. By sprinkling a baking soda on our driveway. It is not as strong as the salt, but it will also get the job done.

Melt Ice On Driveway