Keep Your Eye Out For The NFL’s Funniest Signs

Published on 04/21/2019

Who Says Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right?

You don’t often come across kids who cheer for a different team than their parents, but hey, they do exist! This Vikings fan didn’t follow in his parent’s footsteps and become a Green Bay Packers fan, and he’s proud to let everyone know about it! His sarcastic humor sure is funny if we do say so ourselves!

Who Says Two Wrong Don’t Make A Right?

Who Says Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right?


Wrong Reality Show

This Denver Broncos fan sure doesn’t like the Kansas City Chiefs…that for one is quite obvious. Based on the name of the show “The Biggest Loser”, you can assume that the show is about people who are losers, so she’s calling the Chiefs losers, right? But, funny enough, the show is about overweight people going through major transformations. So this fan is either calling the Chiefs’ players overweight, or she isn’t aware of what the show is actually about.

Wrong Reality Show

Wrong Reality Show