Dogs The Moment They Realize They’re Being Adopted Will Melt Your Heart

Published on 05/01/2019 This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.

Eyes, Ears & Mouth Open

Some humans and animals have a physical reaction upon receiving amazing news. For one thing, you can expect their ears, eyes, and mouths to pop open. That must be what is going on with this pup. Of course, it is also possible that he just spotted a bear. We’re going with the former!

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Eyes, Ears & Mouth Open

Big Hug

There are times when you hug someone out of the happiness or giddiness that you feel. The monster, or dog if you will, was thrilled to go home with this lovely man. When they arrived at his place, he was introduced to his new brother. Of course, such an introduction called for hugs and slobbery kisses!

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Big Hug