Fruits are an essential component of a balanced diet. According to several studies, eating fruit is linked to a decreased calorie consumption and can help you lose weight over time. Apples, in particular, have a relatively high satiety index. Apples help you feel full because they contain pectin, a soluble fiber that naturally delays digestion. They’re also more than 85% water, which adds volume and satiation without adding calories.

What Studies Say About Apples
It’s worth noting that full, solid fruit, instead of puréed fruit or juice, which isn’t extremely filling, enhances satiety. The effects of eating solid apple segments, applesauce, or apple juice at the start of a meal were investigated in one study. It was shown that people who ate solid apple segments consumed 91 calories less than those who ate apple sauce and 150 calories less than those who drank apple juice. In comparison to other fruits, eating apple segments resulted in higher fullness and lower hunger ratings.

What Studies Say About Apples