Here’s A List Of The Most Hilarious And Epic Parking Stunts Ever Done

Published on 08/02/2020

Not a Customer, No Parking

Parking in a space owned by an establishment such as restaurants, even though you would not buy something or even visit the place, is a normal thing that a lot of drivers do. However, some establishments just got tired of experiencing that, and Stepney’s Salvage was one of them. In the photo, the owner of the red vehicle was actually not Stepney’s customer, so the car got blocked by an object containing a note that emphasized that it was a space designated only for customers. Stepney’s Salvage got no chill!


Not a Customer, No Parking


Mind Your Own Business

Here comes a hilarious incident that would teach all the drivers out there to stay away from construction sites or places where construction is ongoing. The driver of the red car happened to park on a spot where a construction project was happening, so his/her car ended up being blocked by the excavator. I hope the car eventually got out, though. Well, after experiencing such an inconvenience, the driver of the red car surely learned a lesson to never park on the spot near a construction site ever again.

Mind Your Own Business

Mind Your Own Business