Here’s A List Of The Most Hilarious And Epic Parking Stunts Ever Done

Published on 08/02/2020

Got To Believe in Magic

Now, unlike most of the crazy things listed on this list, this one is not an act of revenge but a very disturbing incident. After looking at the picture, I realized that maybe I already got to believe in magic – I mean, how can that even possibly happen? How can the blue car fit exactly in the middle of the diagonal parking barriers without any space in between? Up until now, I am totally confused with what I see in the photo, which is shown below. How about you?

Got To Believe in Magic

Got To Believe in Magic



Before seeing this photo, I really used to believe that all the drivers in this world surely know the idea of parallel parking – obviously, not this one. Yes, the driver of this car got the memo that everyone should do parallel parking on that side, but I think there was a misunderstanding of how to do the “parallel” parking. Well, props to the driver, though, for making a lot of people laugh by doing this. I hope that no severe damage was done to the vehicle.

