Here’s A List Of The Most Hilarious And Epic Parking Stunts Ever Done

Published on 08/02/2020

Say Hello to Your Insurance

Yes, you have read the title right. The driver of the car that can be seen below surely had to say hello to the insurance company where he or she enrolled the car at. Well, with the terrible way of how the driver parked the Audi, being chopped not once, not twice, not thrice, but multiple times is a thing he or she deserved. Right now, I am honestly hoping that the driver has managed to repair the car, and I am also hoping that he/she learned a lesson.

Say Hello to Your Insurance

Say Hello to Your Insurance


Car Trash Instead of Car Wash

Looking at the picture, you would be able to see a vehicle that is literally full of trash and other garbage materials. Even though this revenge plan is kind of harsh, by looking at the way the driver parked this car, it can be said that he or she truly deserved that revenge – I mean, just look at how it was so selfish, occupying more than two parking spaces and not following the white parking lines. If you’d ever come across a driver like this, you know what to do.

Car Trash Instead of Car Wash

Car Trash Instead of Car Wash