Every teenager looks forward to the high school prom. There’s no greater milestone that you can possibly achieve. The boys show up in their penguin tuxes and matching corsages. While the girls don their most beautiful dresses, complete with perfect makeup and accessories, and yes, they’ve got a matching boutonnière for their date. And let’s not forget that before you head out to prom, you have to stick around for the mandatory and awkward photos your parents take of you and your date. Of course your dad is in the corner, either with or without a shotgun, but he definitely has the disapproving look. And let’s not forget the awkward prom photo. While we imagine that it’ll be magical and wonderful, something goes wrong. Just take a look at these photos and you will know exactly what we mean.

Prom Photos We Can’t Stop Laughing At
Sneak Peek
Let’s hope her father wasn’t around when this little event took place! Also, either the girl doesn’t notice her date is gawking at her bosom or she’s flattered or she simply doesn’t care. Either way, for shame, sir! At least have the decency to check her over in a discrete way and not the obvious teenage boy way. Next!

Sneak Peek