Lasagna Brag
The WWE isn’t all about takedowns and heated storylines, it’s a platform for fans to express themselves. When they’re happy or angry about what’s going on in the ring, yes. But also, to show their favorite wrestlers their love, or dislike. In this case, the only person this fan wanted to give a shoutout to…was their mom. Preach. Who doesn’t love a great lasagna?

Lasagna Brag
We Love Nickleback
Whether you’re a fan of Nickleback or not, you can’t deny this sign is pure gold. Talk about being in the wrong place but at the right time. Then again, this could all be a prank. Either way, we love this sign. “A+” for creativity – if that’s what you were going for of course! If you’re actually lost, ouch.

We Love Nickleback