They Got A Used Couch For A Steal But Soon Realized Why It Was So Uncomfortable

Published on 03/10/2019

A Well-Meaning But Disastrous Surprise

This elderly woman had evidently compiled the money from her late husband and stored the envelopes full of cash inside the couch located in her television room. It was there for 30 years if you can believe it! More impressively, she slept on that uncomfortable couch for a while. However, things changed when she suffered back problems that led to surgery. While she was confined to the hospital for the operation, her daughter came by the apartment and changed things up to surprise her widowed mother. When she saw the misshapen old couch, the well-meaning daughter got rid of it and replaced it with a new bed. She would not have done the same thing if she had any idea what was hiding inside it.

A Well-Meaning But Disastrous Surprise

A Well-Meaning But Disastrous Surprise


Like A Guardian Angel

The family must have thought they would never see the money again after that happened. By coincidence, the couch fell into the hands of the kind and goodhearted roommates who went out of their way to track her down after finding the deposit slip. The woman told them she believed her husband was present in the room and looking after them. She felt he intervened with the workings of the universe to ensure that the unfortunate turn of events would end well and her life savings would return to her in full. However, she was not going to let these young people return home emptyhanded. She wanted to give them something to show her gratitude for the efforts they made.

Like A Guardian Angel

Like A Guardian Angel