Saving Private Ryan: The Case Of The Black Boots
This is the movie that would become the template for all subsequent modern war films. Nobody with a beating heart could possibly deny that it had an effect on them. Having said that, the movie is not flawless.

Saving Private Ryan
The fact that Matt Damon spends the majority of the movie wearing black boots is indicative of one of the film’s many shortcomings. In the real world, such boots would not be worn by airborne troops until a decade after their introduction.
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves: Telescope Didn’t Exist Yet
There is a specific scene in the movie where the characters that were portrayed by Morgan Freeman and Kevin Costner make use of a telescope. Given that the device in question did not come into existence until the 1600s, it is highly improbable that this could have occurred.

Robin Hood
Given that it is commonly believed that the exploits of Robin Hood took place in the 12th century, this suggests that the character first appeared two centuries too early.