Lettuce has a reputation for being low in nutrients, and basically for being the inferior sibling to cabbage, spinach, kale, and all the other greens. Well, we’re here to tell you to stop hating on lettuce! If you choose the right kind (as in, not iceberg), it’s filled with nutrients. Romaine lettuce has vitamin B, folic acid, and Manganese – and other dark green and purple lettuce has tons of benefits as well.

Quinoa is one of the trends of the moment – for a very good reason. It’s low in calories, but extremely high in protein – making it an extremely filling addition to any meal, and a great substitute for rice, pasta, potatoes, and other starches. There are several types of quinoa, but there isn’t much of a nutrient difference between them, so choose the one that you like best – or even mix them!
