Cranberry Juice
Now, we don’t mean cranberry juice cocktail – that stuff is absolutely loaded with added sugar. Grab some pure cranberry juice, and watch the number on the scale fall. The bitter juice is loaded with vitamin C, and is a diuretic, meaning that it helps your body get rid of excess fluids.

Cranberry Juice
Dark Chocolate
Bet you weren’t expecting the chocolate to be on this list! Well, diets aren’t easy, and if you totally deprive yourself, you may end up bingeing and ruining all of your hard work. To prevent that, add a few squares of dark chocolate now and then when you’re really having a dessert craving. Much healthier than other kinds of sweets, dark chocolate contains healthy fats and is lower in sugar than other types of chocolate. Some studies even show that it’s good for the heart! So if you’re having a craving, don’t be afraid to indulge – in moderation, of course.

Dark Chocolate