Here’s A List Of The Most Hilarious And Epic Parking Stunts Ever Done

Published on 08/02/2020

A Sticky Situation

By looking at the photo, you would be able to see a black car full of yellow stickers. Well, this happened because of the terrible way of how the driver parked the car. In the photo, a diagonal blue line is visible, indicating that all the cars that would park there should be parked diagonally. However, this black car did not follow that and decided to be a bad driver. Well, he just got himself into trouble as someone got pissed and covered the car with a bunch of stickers.

A Sticky Situation

A Sticky Situation


The Car That Can’t Be Moved

Yes, you have read the title right. With the two yellow clamps that were attached to its wheels, the car would most likely not be able to move even a single bit. Well, the driver must have had a difficult time figuring out how he or she could remove the clamps. Looking at the way the driver parked, he or she truly deserved what happened to the wheels – the parking was so selfish, and it, for sure, caused inconvenience to other people who were in the same parking lot.

The Car That Can’t Be Moved

The Car That Can’t Be Moved