Here’s A List Of The Most Hilarious And Epic Parking Stunts Ever Done

Published on 08/02/2020

Don’t Try To Fit In

Here’s another reminder for the drivers out there to never ever park in a space that isn’t designated for the type of vehicle that you have – unless you want to be like the driver of this red SUV. It was clearly indicated that the parking space was solely made for motorcycles, but the car’s driver insisted on parking there. What he/she did was a very selfish thing to do. On the other hand, let us look at the motorcycle whose driver did his best to fit in the remaining space.

Don’t Try To Fit In

Don’t Try To Fit In


Stone Block

Looking at the photo, which is shown below, you would be able to see a blue car that has a stone placed on its front hood. Well, that happened because someone got pissed by the terrible way of parking that this car’s driver has done. Someone had the guts to put a huge stone in front of the car so that the driver would learn a lesson to never park in a wrong manner ever again – or at least, not in the same spot.

Stone Block

Stone Block